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2022 First Nations Careers | Dorrie Day

PCCC – Port Curtis Coral Coast Trust would like to invite you to our upcoming First Nations Careers day – Bundaberg on the 25th of August, and Gladstone on the 04th of August.

PCCC is committed to helping our community to develop the skills they need to find sustainable employment. Through our strong cultural focus, we help build capacity and empower people to make strong life choices to develop their lives. 

Dorrie Day is an opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organisations and businesses to come and connect with First Nations job seekers who have aspirations to work in your industry. 

As you can imagine, many Job seekers have questions and aspirations, Dorrie Day gives people the space to be brave to ask these questions and have discussions with Employers and Industry Experts who can help them MAKE A CHANGE towards finding sustainable future career options. 

So let’s ‘Be Brave and Make a Change’ in creating an impact towards Closing the Gap in First Nations' employment and wellbeing.

Links Bundaberg flyers:

Links Gladstone flyers:

Dorrie Day - 2022 Careers Expo 

What is it?

The First Nations careers day 'Dorrie Day' is a day for our mob to engage with businesses and organisations from Bundaberg, Gladstone, Calliope and surrounding areas to develop an understanding and passion for the many First Nations identified roles throughout our community.

Community members, job-seekers, students and employers will have the opportunity to engage with different businesses, and organisations and understand the positions and careers available to them.

PCCC would like to build the capacity of communities to ensure that underserved Indigenous communities have the best opportunity, skills, and knowledge to successfully pursue the education and training that will enable them to achieve their career and life goals. We will work towards a future where all First Nations peoples are empowered and equipped with the education and training needed to succeed in a diverse and global society.


Sponsorship Prospectus

Would you like to sponsor the 2022 Dorrie Day - Careers Expo and provide your business with exposure to a dynamic and rapidly growing indigenous workforce?

Contact PCCC to learn more about the sponsorship opportunities.


School Attendance

Are your students looking for the next step to employment & training pathways? Contact PCCC to learn more & register your school/students today.


In loving memory of all our ancestors, we acknowledge their fight and their hard work to get recognition of our country and for us to be standing here today.